Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Within the Borders of İstanbul

By Zeki Gülen - Today's Zaman - Istanbul, Turkey

Friday, July 20, 2007

İstanbul has been named European Capital of Culture for 2010. When we talk about culture and cultural activities in İstanbul, we consistently see one name again and again: Kültür A.Ş.

The company, which translates into English as the Culture Commercial Corporation, undertakes cultural activities and projects within the borders of İstanbul.

The numerous tasks it undertakes are appreciated of Turkey's cultural capital's residents. Kültür A.Ş. General Director Nevzat Bayhan, an author and a lover of İstanbul, talked about their activities and the plans of the company in an interview with Today's Zaman.

Kültür A.Ş. is one of 22 corporations of the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality. It was established in 1989 to carry out the municipality's cultural policies. It has been consistently growing since its beginning and its growth is accelerating.

It also has a bookstore specializing in İstanbul, where those interested can lay their hands on myriad books about the city. From this point of view, the bookstore is unique in Turkey and even in the world, Mr. Bayhan claims.

Kültür A.Ş is also a prolific publisher. It publishes books about İstanbul and İstanbul's cultural heritage. Among these are "The Women's Heritage of the East" (Doğunun Kadın Mirası), "Foreign Palaces in İstanbul" (İstanbul'da Yabancı Saraylar) and "Photographs of İstanbul from the Archives of Sultan Abdülhamid II" (2. Abdülhamit Han Arşivinden İstanbul Fotoğrafları).


Mr. Bayhan also mentioned a periodical that Kültür A.Ş. Publishes: "1453." He explains why they chose the publication's headline as the year that the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople.

"We believe that the city's diversified life started in 1453. The believers of the three monotheistic religions came together to live in peace and harmony. However these days you cannot see a single place in the world where these people live together in peace. So we named it 1453."

Bayhan also commented on UNESCO's decision to label 2007 as the Year of Mevlana. But first he apologized to the people of Konya: "[Mevlana Jelaluddin] Rumi was born in Belh and lived in Konya. However, Rumi's philosophy and thoughts developed and lived in İstanbul, which was the capital of the Ottoman state. Therefore, we had to organize many activities to introduce him to the world in this year".

"We organized many different activities and our activities are still ongoing. We organized events about Rumi in Taksim Square, Bakırköy Square and the Harbiye Open-air Theater. Those activities will continue until Dec. 17".

[picture: Kültür A.Ş. General Director Nevzat Bayhan poses for a photograph next to a replica of the Haydarpaşa Train Station at Miniatürk. Miniatürk is a park that boasts miniature replicas of historical buildings in Turkey, operated by Kültür A.Ş.]

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