Monday, October 29, 2007

Crescent Live Internet TV

Crescent Network - U.K.
Thursday, October 25, 2007

New Muslim TV Station Designed for Internet

In a sitting room in Rochdale, two friends were lamenting over the plight of Muslims around the world and in their home country, the UK.

There seemed to be a vast amount of misunderstanding about Muslims and a fear from Extremism.

They were already operating various forms of media to help dispel the stereotypes and misinformation being propagated about Muslims.

Wanting to accurately portray the colourful, positive, productive and diverse spectrum of Muslims to a wider audience they envisaged a bigger medium.

Following two years of planning, research, interviews and brainstorming sessions into the early hours they formed a company called Crescent Network and from that two initiatives emerged: Crescent Life, a Lifestyle magazine [] and Crescent Live.

Crescent Live (Net TV) is a revolutionary new channel that is specifically designed for the Internet. It is the first to focus on Lifestyle issues from a Muslim Perspective that can be enjoyed by all – Muslim and Non Muslim.

Crescent Live will revolutionise Internet TV for Muslims and non-Muslims, bringing to its viewers a wide area of programming, including culture, arts, debate, food, travel, films, comedy, cartoons and history, from a Muslim cultural perspective.

Also Crescent Live will act as a key player in helping to rebuild bridges of tolerance, understanding, acceptance, and promote harmony between people of different faiths, at a time that it is needed most.

The key aims of Crescent Live are :

To help people to live as Practicing Muslims, whilst at the same time live as positive contributing members of society in the Muslim/ non Muslim countries that they have decided to live in.

Portray the true Islamic values to non Muslims and the rest of the world

Tackle day to day issues that are facing communities

Rebuild bridges of tolerance, acceptance and understanding between communities, through respect for each others points of view.

Do this via enjoyable methods by providing knowledge, instruction, guidance, education and moral support to all people through the most actively used media

We will also encourage positive debate and provide guidance to all communities (social and organisational) that are affected by extremism, through the promotion of tolerance and understanding of the community differences.

To visit Crescent Life TV Net and/or to log on, click the title of this article or the following link:

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