Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sufismo - an Italian Quarterly

Sufi News review - October 2007

The Italian branch of the Sufi Halveti Jerrahi Brotherhood has published its second issue, totally devoted to the great master Jalâl âlDin Rûmi.

Rich in articles and beautifully illustrated, this quarterly is a feast for the darvish.

Italian cultural figures collaborated on the collection and translation of the articles which include Mistic poetry by Laleh Bakhtiar; Letter of greetings by Tahir Akyurek (Mayor of Konya); Rumi, the universal master by Halil Cin (Dean of Konya State University) and many others.

The issue includes illustrations by Prof. Gabriele Mandel Khan and Antonella Procopio's paintings.

We highly recommend it to every Italian-speaking reader.

Sufismo - Rivista trimestrale di cultura e spiritualità
Anno 1 n° 2 - settembre 2007 - Euro 6,00

Inquiries at Rivista Sufismo

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