Thursday, November 15, 2007

12-year-old Sufi Singer Captivates Audience

Chennai Online - Chennai, India
Monday, November 12, 2007

Can life be compared to a mobile phone! Yes, if 12-year-old Sufi singer Rais Anis Sabri is to be believed.

He says, life is like a SIM card of uncertain validity that needs frequent recharge, to connect to the Almighty through prayer - the outgoing calls - and receive the divine grace - the incoming calls.

He calls every earthquake or tsunami a missed call urging people to always remember their Lord.

A phenomenally talented artiste, Rais Anis Sabri is a sixth grade student from Jalalabad, Uttar Pradesh, who is currently making waves in the world of Sufi Qawwali music.

Son and disciple of Rais Sabri, who in turn is a disciple of famous Qawwal Aslam Sabri, Anis is one of the youngest performing sufiana qawwals in the subcontinent.

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