Wednesday, November 28, 2007

" Be Drunk on Love, for Love Is All that Exists "

BBC Audio - Religion - BBC World Service
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

" Be drunk on love, for love is all that exists "

...These are words of love and longing from the 13th century Sufi poet and whirling dervish, Mevlana Jelalludin Rumi.

This year is the 800th anniversary of Rumi's birth, and this Sunni muslim who taught Sharia law in what is now Turkey continues to be phenomenally popular worldwide.

But he is also an elusive figure who has inspired an incredible range of spiritual experiences: in programme 1 of a two part series for Heart and Soul, Shusha Guppy looks at what Rumi means for Muslims today.

Listen to Heart and Soul focused on Rumi, from now until Sunday, by clicking on the title above, then on AUDIO

How to listen? Click Here:


  1. Dear Co-Bloggers,

    December 10th is the International Day dedicated to Human Rights and this is why I am forwarding you an invitation, to take part of this worldwide activity.

    Leave your mark on that day, and help us show all that we are all One World, One Life.

    I know you have your own concerns in this matter, and this is why I want to make people aware of it.
    I am inviting you to go to and see how you could be a member of this network that holds for one cause: the cause of humanity, the cause of Human Rights.

  2. Salaam Brethren,
    I'm a lover of rumi's poems n "Al-Fatiha" 4 him on his 800 birthday.His poems n writings are so cognitive esoteric inwardly metaphorical realm and coincide with d syahadah n d Al-Qur'an( Pls do refer suratul Hajj:aya 47 and Al-Hadid:aya 3)tq.
    Do pls spare a moment viewing my Divine song lyrics: tq
    Peace, Loves
    Nash Ar-Rawy
