Friday, November 30, 2007

Dancing On a Wider Stage

[From the French language press]:

Il en a connu des étoiles, de celles qui dansaient à celles qui le faisaient rêver dans les déserts d'Iran. Mais cette nuit du 21 novembre 2007, c'est un musulman, Maurice Béjart, qui est mort.

E Marrakech, Maroc - vendredi 23 novembre - par Youssef Chems

He knew many stars, the dancing stars and the stars who made him dream in the Iranian deserts. But on this 21st November's night is a muslim who died.

World famous dance choreographer Maurice Béjart died in Lausanne, Switzerland on November 21st, five minutes before midnight. Béjart was born in Marseille, France, on January 1st, 1927, the son of French philosopher Gaston Berger.

Maurice Béjart converted to Islam in 1971, after meeting the Sufi Shaykh Ostad Elahi during the 2500 year celebration of Iran's monarchy in Persepolis.

His life changes, as did change his artistic, moral and spiritual career. Dance becomes for him a connection to Allah.

Maurice Béjart always carried with him a small pocket book: Ibn Arabi's "Le Traité de l'Amour".

Farewell, Shaykh Béjart: may you dance for us and for Allah in Allah's Paradise.

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