Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Is Religious Education a Remedy to Violence?

[From the French language press]:

L’éducation religieuse suscite encore et toujours un vif débat notamment ces jours-ci où l’Algérie en particulier et le monde islamique en général subissent de plein fouet la violence extrémiste.

Le Mague Journal, France - vendredi 5 Octobre 2007 - par Semmar Abderrahmane

Religious education raises still a lively debate these days especially when Algeria in particular and the Islamic world in general suffer the brunt of extremist violence.

Algeria, facing the excesses and dangers of extremism asks: can religious education -opposed to indoctrination- be a remedy? The subject is a hot topic.

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation has recently organized a conference-forum on "Religion and Education today".

Algerian researcher and islamologue, Mr. Khenchelaoui Zaïm, stressed that the teaching of religious education exists throughout the world, even in polytheist countries, and emphasized the "harmful effects of extremism," arguing that "Sufism is a valuable opportunity because of its initiatory experience. "

Speaking in turn, Dr. Janjar Mohamed Sghir, Deputy Director of the Foundation of King Abdulaziz Saud (Morocco), underlined the importance of returning to the teaching of religious education.

He cited the example of France, "a secular country which seeks ways and means to reintroduce religious education in its educational system".

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