Saturday, November 03, 2007

Moussem of Saint Sidi Bouâbid Cherki

[From the French language press]:

Brahim Frej, chambellan de S.M. le Roi, a remis, vendredi à Boujaad, un don Royal au profit des Chorfas Cherkaouiyines, à l'occasion de l'ouverture du Moussem religieux et culturel du saint Sidi Abou Abdellah Mohamed Cherki.

Le Matin, Maroc - samedi 27 novembre, 2007 - par MAP

Brahim Frej, Chamberlain to H.M. the King, handed Friday in Boujaad, a Royal donation for the benefit of 173 Chorfas [descendants of the family of the Prophet (pbuh) and reciters of the Holy Qur'an] Cherkaouiyines, on the occasion of the opening of the religious and cultural Moussem of saint Sidi Abdellah Abu Mohamed Cherki.

On this occasion Mr. Frej gave a presentation of the project for development and rehabilitation of the mausoleum of Sheikh Sidi Abdellah Abu Mohammed Cherki, better known by the Moroccans as "Sidi Bouâbid Cherki."

The city of Boujaad, home of the Zaouia [Madrassa] Cherkaouia, was founded in the 16th century (10th of Hegira) at the time of Sultan Ahmed El Mansour Eddahbi, by Shaykh Abou Abdellah Mohamed Cherki, one of the foremost Sufi Masters in the country.

[Picture: Boujaad at the Moussem. Photo :].

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