Sunday, November 11, 2007

Professor Mohammad H. Faghfoory's Correction on Rumi Translation

TT Culture Desk - Tehran, Iran
Monday, November 12, 2007

The Tehran Times recently published an excerpt of a lecture on Molana Jalal ad-Din Rumi delivered by the Iranian professor of Islamic studies at George Washington University, Mohammad H. Faghfoory, at a conference held in Tehran to commemorate the 800th birth anniversary of the Persian poet and mystic on October 28.

Professor Faghfoory has sent a letter to the daily’s office with the following correction of his lecture: “Coleman Barks’ translation of the Masnavi and selection from the Divan-i Kabir is currently the bestselling translation of Rumi’s work, but still Nicholson’s translation and commentary is by far the best available translation of Rumi’s work".

[see Sufi News of Wednesday, October 31 "Voices from the International Congress"; click on this link, then scroll down:]

[Picture of Professor Mohammad H. Faghfoory from Mazda Publishers:].

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