Monday, November 12, 2007

A Study on the Personality of Sidi Ali Lembarek

[From the French language press]:
L’association Arts et Expositions de Tipasa a organisé du 6 au 8 Novembre 2007 une journée d’étude sur la personnalité de Sidi Ali Lembarek, neveu de Si Benallel, lieutenant de l’Emir Abdelkader.

La Nouvelle République - Alger, Algérie - par Mohamed El-Ouahed

The association Arts and Exhibitions of Tipasa held from 6 to 8 November 2007 a study on the personality of Sidi Ali Lembarek, nephew of Si Benallel, lieutenant of Emir Abdelkader.

We noted the presence of Qadiris, Tidjani, Shaduli, El-Habria and Rahmania Brotherhoods and of speakers such as Sidi El-Habib El-Tidjani, president of the national observatory of Brotherhoods; El Hadj Ahmed Kourami and Dr. Mohamed Benbrika, a professor at the University of Algiers, researcher and man of letters.

The participants, from 15 provinces of the country, during these two days spoke of the life of Sidi Ali Lembarek as well as of his contribution to Sufism.

Four workshops have been scheduled: on the life of Sidi Ali Lembarek, on Sufism as devotion to the One God, on the contribution of Sufism in the different lineages and finally on Sufism in Kabylie.

These talks were conducted by Professor Mohamed Benbrika, by Ali Khelassi, by Maâmoune Benmihoub and by Tahar Baik.

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