Tuesday, December 04, 2007

An Endless Ocean, a Guide for Mankind

IRNA - New Delhi, India
Saturday, December 1st, 2007

Pondering on the poems of the great Iranian poet, Jalaleddin Mohammad Rumi, known as Molana, one realizes that Molana contained in himself all the characteristic of humanity, said Mehdi Nabizadeh.

Inaugurating the national seminar 'Influence of Iranian Sufism on Indian Mysticism' on Friday on the 800 birth anniversary of the great poet in Mumbai, business capital of India, Syed Mehdi Nabizadeh, ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, New Delhi, said: "From the perfection point of view, Molana's way of thinking is the most attractive and popular one among the literati.

He guides mankind very well from the earthen world to the heaven'.

The personality of Molana is like a vast sea and the world is in the process of understanding of this sea, said Nabizadeh, adding that it is many years that the understanding of Molana is underway in the West and his books are among the most circulated literary books in the West.

Describing Molana Rumi an endless ocean, M R Mirzai, director, Culture House of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Mumbai said, "He is like an endless deep ocean, whosoever dives in it, will not reach its depth.

"Any person, making an effort to translate his verses must know Persian language, music, sweetness and pleasure, which are the characteristics of Molana's poetry."

The three-day (November 30-December 2) seminar, on the 800th birth anniversary of the great poet which has also been declared by UNESCO as the year of Rumi, was jointly organized by the Culture House of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Mumbai and Anjuman-i-Islam, Urdu Research Institute, Mumbai.

The seminar was attended by consuls general of Islamic Republic of Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain and Afghanistan in addition to known scholars and academicians.

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