Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Muslim Scholars send Christmas Greetings to Christians

[From the Swiss-German press]:

138 Hochrangige islamische Gelehrte haben den Christen in aller Welt ein fröhliches und friedliches Weihnachtsfest gewünscht.

sda/reuters/baz - Basler Zeitung, Basel, Schweiz - Montag, Dezember 24, 2007

138 Distinguished Islamic scholars have wished a happy and peaceful Christmas to Christians all over the world.

In a joint statement in Arabic, English and Latin addressed to the "Christian neighbors" the Religious Representatives sent their wishes for peace: "Al-salamu aleikum, Peace be upon you, Pax Vobiscum."

A similar Christmas message was never previously given: because Islam has no central authority like a pope or patriarch that could speak for all believers, there was always only a mutual exchange of greetings among individual scholars with representatives of Christian churches.

Among the 138 signatories of the greetings message are representatives of the two largest Islamic faith directions (Sunna and Shia), and also members of Sufism -the mystical current of Islam- and other religious currents.

[Read the message of greetings:].

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Alhamdulillah! Really wonderful :) Thank you, dearest Sister Mus', for posting it :)

    Ya Haqq!
