Thursday, December 20, 2007

With Peace, Patience and Hope

The New Anatolian - Ankara, Turkey
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

On Monday, December 17th, President Abdullah Gül was in Konya to attend the ceremony marking the 734th anniversary of the passing of the great Sufi master Mevlana Muhammed Jelaluddin Rumi.

President Abdullah Gül said there is need to understand the philosophy of Mevlana more than ever today.

"We can establish a better world if we try to understand the words of Mevlana that calls for brotherhood and divine union," Gül told during the ceremonies.

Gül said, "we can learn from Mevlana that we can overcome problems irrespective of how bad circumstances are and that we can be patient against unsolved problems."

"We can solve problems of not only our country but the world with peace, patience and hope," he also said.

[Picture: Mr Abdullah Gül, President of the Republic of Turkey. Photo: Wiki].

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