Monday, March 03, 2008

Law, Sufism, Life

[From the French language press]:
La jurisprudence doit intéresser tous les domaines de la vie et non seulement le fikh, a affirmé hier, à Alger, le ministre des affaires religieuses et des Wakfs, M. Bouabdellah Ghlamallah.

Staff Report,"Islam : Ghlamallah : «La jurisprudence doit englober tous les domaines de la vie»" - El Moudjahid - Algiers, Algeria - mardi 26 février 2008

Law must involve all areas of life and not just Fiqh, said yesterday in Algiers the Minister of Religious Affairs and Wakfs*, Mr Bouabdellah Ghlamallah.

Opening the three days [Feb. 26-29] Symposium "la jurisprudence et les enjeux de la modernisation dans le monde arabe" [Law and the chances of modernization in the Arab World], held in Algiers' National Library, Mr Amine Zaoui, General Director of the National Library, felt that the purpose of the Symposium is "to open a scientifically serious dialogue, important and serene, on the concept of jurisprudence, criteria and fields of religion, philosophy, language and literature".

He said that "Fiqh is not to be confined to religion only".

Among the topics dealt within the Symposium: "Legal Thought and the Culture of the Future", "The relationship between Law and Modernisation", "Aspects of renewal in Sufism", "The Crisis of Jurisprudence in the contemporary Arab Thought ", "Jurisprudence between Indoctrination and Fanaticism. "

* [For Waqfs, also called Habous:].

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