Thursday, March 13, 2008

With Each Other Not Against Each Other

[From the French language press]:

Pour sa onzième édition, Le Festival du Mawlid bâtit un pont entre l'Europe et le monde musulman, à travers une de ses composantes essentielles, le soufisme.

Yabiladi, France - mercredi 5 mars 2008 - Communiqué de presse

In its offering participants an experience in Sufism, a key aspect of Islam, the eleventh the Festival of Mawlid is intending to build a bridge between Europe and the Muslim world.

Open to all, this festive event is an ideal opportunity to share a repertoire of sacred music and experience something traditionally held in the privacy of Sufi Brotherhoods. For the first time together on stage in Paris, they offer the public a heritage shaped by centuries of practice.

The Festival of Mawlid contributes to a better understanding of a multicultural society.

It is resolutely focused on peace. It promotes a vision that the future is being built by all of us: with each other and not against each other.

By not focusing on conflict between groups and promoting the commonality of different cultures, AISA and Terres d'Europe -the associations promoting the Festival of Mawlid- sow hope for the world of tomorrow.

Saturday, March 22 - 8.00 pm
Espace Reuilly 21, rue Hénard Paris 12e - Métro Montgallet
Admission: 20 €
Infoline : 06 16 93 04 92 - 06 62 15 70 98 -

[Visit the website of AISA Association Internationale Soufie Alâwiya (in French)].

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