Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thunderous Applause

TNI Correspondant, "Allan Fakir’s son performs at AF" - The News International - Karachi, Pakistan
Monday, June 9, 2008

Fahim Allan Fakir, son of renowned singer and musician, the late Allan Fakir, performed late Saturday night before an impressive audience at the Alliance Francaise (AF).

He received thunderous applause from the audience by singing Sufi songs in Sindhi, Punjabi, Seraiki and Urdu.

He sang the poetry of Shah Latif, Sachal Sarmast, Baba Bulla Shah, Meeral Fakir, Bedal and Sheikh Ayaz for over two hours and his voice appeared to be reminiscent of his father’s melodious voice.

When he wound up his performance along with traditional Sindhi instrumentalists Ghulam Murtaza, Shahbaz Ali, Ali Raza and Shafi Mohammed, the people insisted him to continue and he sang two more songs on request.

AF Director Alexandre Tchikovani said that music doesn’t need explanation.

“We want to promote young, little known but talented singers and musicians,” he said.

“Fahim’s father was a famous singer and musician and we wanted to provide him (Fahim) an opportunity to perform before the public,” he said.

He said that you may not understand the words but you could understand the Sufi music as it was for the glory of God.

[Visit the Alliance Française Karachi's website]
[Listen to Fahim Allan's father singing through this Music Portal:].

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