Thursday, July 24, 2008

An Icon of Sufism

[From the French language press]:

Jbel Alam, capitale mondiale du soufisme: un colloque du 25 au 29 juillet. Chercheurs et dignitaires religieux parmi les invités.

Promouvoir l’image de tolérance de Moulay Abdeslam et de son disciple Chadili, tel est l’objectif d’un colloque international de la Tarika Mashishiya-Chadilia.

Par Ali Abjiou, "Jbel Alam, capitale mondiale du soufisme" - L'Economiste - Casablanca, Maroc; mercredi 16 juillet, 2008

Jbel Alam, world capital of Sufism: a symposium from July 25 to July 29. Researchers and religious dignitaries among the guests.

Promoting the image of tolerance of Moulay Abdeslam and his disciple Chadili: this is the objective of an international symposium of the Tariqa Mashishiya-Chadilia.

This first meeting on the personality and spiritual message of the saint of Jbel Alam will provide an opportunity to meet, in Tangiers and Tetouan, various spiritual dignitaries, researchers and historians interested in this icon of Sufism.

Other guests include Moroccan academics and experts.

Announced also Bariza Khiyari, a French Senator, particularly active in terms of bridging cultures; Eric Geoffroy from the Marc Bloch University (Strasbourg), a specialist in Sufism and sanctity in Islam; and Shaykh Khaled Bentounes, spiritual leader of the Alawiya Mostaganem.

Moulay Ben Abdeslam Mchich Alami (born in 1140 CE) and his disciple Chadili are surrounded by an aura of mysticism in the collective subconscious of Morocco.

Moulay Abdeslam is called "holy of holies", so much so that visiting his mausoleum seven times amounts to a pilgrimage to Mecca.

The ultimate goal through the organization of this symposium is to set the foundations for a global forum on the Mashishiya-Chadiliya.

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