Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Commemoration Ceremony

TE/HGH, "Iran honors miniaturist Ali Moti" - Press TV - Tehran, IranTuesday, August 12, 2008

Iran has held a commemoration ceremony in honor of the late master miniaturist and illuminator, Ali Moti in the capital of Tehran.

Prominent artists including Aidin Aqdashlou and Hannibal Alkhas attended the event and paid tribute to the late Moti.

Ali Moti died on July 31, 2008 at the age of 92 after a long period of illness in Riverside, California.

His paintings, mostly inspired by the Iranian poet Hafez, have been displayed at 37 international and domestic exhibitions.

Moti, who received his first gold medal in Brussels in 1953, is known for his unique illumination of the holy Qur'an.

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