Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Neither Confusing Nor Merging

[From the Italian language press]:

Dal 16 ottobre la 11.edizione di "Religion Today" con 79 film a tematica religiosa e un solo obiettivo: il dialogo.

La, "Credere nel cinema" - Libero - Milano, Italia
lunedì 15 settembre 2008

From 16th to 31st October the 11th edition of "Religion Today" with 79 films about religion and one goal: dialogue.

In Trento, Rome, Bolzano/Bozen, Ferrara, Nomadelfia.

This year's theme: "The Face of the Other". Listening, sharing, comparing, supporting, in other words, "loving one another", for Religion Today means neither confusing nor merging with the person loved.

For the 2008 edition, the festival invites us to undertake a two-level journey of discovery of conscience, encounter and mutual comprehension.

Among the films in competition, the world premiere A Span Of Heaven by Iranian artist Ali Vazirian, author of the angel on this year's poster.

[Visit the Festival Website (also in English) at]

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