Sunday, October 12, 2008

Against Terrorism

By Saadia Khalid, "Literati, journalists join hands to fight terrorism" - The News - Islamabad, Pakistan
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Islamabad: Writers and journalists in a ceremony held here Tuesday joined hands to fight against terrorism by raising awareness among the masses through their writings while a resolution was also passed in this regard.

The auspicious ceremony was held to mark the launch of a poetry collection titled ‘Naqsh-e-Sani Naqshi-e-Amroz’ by Ather Quyyum Raja, organised by a literary organisation ‘Daira’ in collaboration with Akhbar Farosh Federation.

Speakers on the occasion condemned the ongoing suicide attacks in different parts of the country and said that Islam is a religion of peace and harmony and do not allow such activities. They said it is the responsibility of every citizen to play his effective role in curbing such extremist and terrorist activities, adding that a powerful writing could entirely change people’s viewpoint on various issues, so the writers should fasten their belts in order to preach the true interpretation of religion through their writings.

Speaking on the occasion, Federal Minister for Local Government Haji Ghulam Ahmed Bilour said the prevailing law and order situation in the country is the outcome of amateur policies of the previous rulers. “The writers and poets should also write about the sufferings and grievances of a common man, who is unable to manage his two-time meal under present circumstances,” he said.

Bilour said that countries like China and Singapore are far ahead of Pakistan as far as their economic and political stability is concerned and termed it unfortunate that Pakistani leadership ever fought for their vested interests while ignoring the interests of the nation. “It was the responsibility of the country’s literati to awaken the conscience of the people while creating political awareness among them,” he said.

Secretary General All Pakistan Akhbar Farosh Union Tikka Khan said that the poetry of Ather Quyyum Raja have the ability to penetrate into the hearts and minds of the readers.

“The poet has touched issues from all spheres of life and has not restricted himself to just one genre only,” he said adding that Sufism in Ather Quyyum Raja’s poetry is above all other types of poetry that he writes due to its underlying strong message.

Tikka Khan said there is a dearth of teahouses in the federal capital, which are necessary to flourish the literary culture in the city.

Ghazanfar Mehdi on the occasion said that Islamabad is known as the graveyard of clerks but literary activities have now infused the spirit of joy here while turning it into a lively city. “The role of writers and poets cannot be denied in the process of nation building,” he said adding that it is upon writers to acknowledge their responsibility in present times and create awareness among the masses regarding various misinterpretations of the Holy Quran.

Poet Sahar Siddiqui said that Ather Quyyum Raja has given a new dimension to poetry while introducing an entirely new form of this art.

“Ather Quyyum Raja has elevated the standard of poetry through his quality work,” he said and added that his style is not only unique but holds a great impact on its readers.

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