Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Start of Construction

Staff Reporter, "Construction of big mosque starts in Dashoguz province of Turkmenistan" - Turkmenistan.Ru - Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Saturday, October 18, 2008

A ceremony to mark the start of construction of a big mosque was held on 17 October in Dashoguz province of Turkmenistan.

Turkmen government officials, the Ambassador of Turkey in Turkmenistan Hussein Avni Bychkaly, province top-management, clerics and honorary elders of Turkmenistan attended the ceremony.

The new mosque with a praying room for 1500 people is meant as a gift from the people of Turkey to Turkmenistan.

The mosque will also have a big museum and a conference hall as well as a room for ritual meals, sadaka, for 1000 people.

The construction will be carried out by Turkish GAP Inshaat company, the correspondent reports from Ashgabat.

The ancient mausoleum of Nejmeddin Kubra will be the center of this architectural ensemble.

Nejmeddin Kubra was the ancient Turkmen theorist and practitioner of Sufism, author of many treatises, interpreter of Koran and poet. This unique monument of Oriental architecture of XIV century was included in the UNESCO's world heritage book.

[Picture: Shaykh's Kubra Shrine. Photo by Dr. Alan Godlas, 2008].

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