Monday, November 10, 2008


By Awadallah Al Sammani, "Al Mirghani Buried Yesterday, Reception of Condolences Today" - Sudan Vision - Khartoum, Sudan
Thursday, November 6, 2008

The body of former Head of Supreme Council Ahmed Al Mirghani was buried yesterday.

President Al Bashir, his deputy Ali Osman Mohammed Taha, and his brother the Head of Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) Mohamed Osman Al Mirghani headed the procession in addition to a great number of top officials, diplomats, Sufi members and leaders in addition to leaders and members of DUP and a lot of citizens.

The deceased body arrived at Khartoum Airport at 2:30 p.m. yesterday and the official funeral procession from the Airport to the garden of Mawlana Ali Almirghani in Khartoum, then to the mosque of Mawlana Al Sayed Ali in Khartoum North and finally he was buried in the graveyard of the mosque of Al Sayed Ali amid tight security measures which closed some streets to facilitate moving of the procession and to prevent traffic jams.

Leading member of DUP Dr. Albagir Mohamed Abdallah emphasized that his party would be eulogized by speech from all political forces whether in the government or in opposition.

Rapporteur of information committee at DUP stated that the spiritual leader of Al Khatmiya Mohammed Osman Al Mirghani arrived in Sudan accompanied by high level DUP leaders including the official spokesperson of National Alliance Hatim Alsir after almost two years of self imposed exile.

Mawlana Mohamed Osman would receive condolences at 10:00 am today from President of the Republic and his deputies and assistants. From 11:00 to 12:30 he would receive condolences from diplomats and heads of international organizations. At 1:00 p.m. he will also receive condolences from senior members of political forces and community leaders.

After Friday prayers Al Mirgahni will meet leaders of sufi sects.

In the same respect General Secretary of Arab League Amro Musa expressed his commiserations to the Sudanese people, government and sufi sects. He described the late as one of the loyal Sudanese politicians.

Also King of Jordan, Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Hania sent their commiserations to President Al Bashir.

Mawlana Ahmed Al Mirghani passed away last Sunday in Alexandria in Egypt and the body arrived yesterday in a private plane.

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