Monday, November 10, 2008

The Place of the Message

[From the French language press]:

La place du discours soufi de Tidjania à l’ère de la mondialisation sera longuement débattu lors du séminaire international de trois jours qui débutera mardi dans la wilaya d’El Oued.

De notre correspondant, "Zaouïas : "Le discours soufi à l’ère de la mondialisation" thème d’un séminaire international à El Oued" - El Moudjahid - Alger, Algérie

Lundi 3 novembre, 2008

The place of the Tijani Sufi message in the era of globalization will be discussed extensively at the three days' long international seminar starting Tuesday [November 4th] in the wilaya [province] of El Oued.

The event will be the occasion for the reopening of the renovated and expanded headquarters of the Tijaniya Sufi Order, which include a library rich in more than 11,000 titles.

[More about this Tariqa at]

[Picture from:].

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