Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sufi Poets in Sofia

TE/HGH, "Bulgaria to commemorate Persian poets" - Press TV - Tehran, Iran
Friday, October 31, 2008

Bulgaria's Sofia University is scheduled to hold a conference in commemoration of the celebrated Persian poets, Roudaki and Sanai.

The event will be held in a bid to introduce the Persian literary figures to Iranologists and students and researchers of the Persian language and literature.

The conference will be held form Nov. 16 to 18, 2008 in collaboration with Iran's cultural office in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia.

Considered the father of Persian classical literature, Abdullah Jafar ibn Mohammad Roudaki (859-941) composed many lyrics, odes, elegies and quatrains.

Hakim Abul-Majd Majdud ibn Adam Sanai Ghaznavi (1080-1150) is known as the first poet, who used poems to express the philosophical, mystical, and ethical ideas of Sufism.

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