Friday, December 19, 2008

Bucolic Sufi

Staff Reporter, "Tajal Bewas dies at 70" - The Nation - Karachi, Pakistan

Thursday, December 13, 2008

The legendary Sindh bucolic Sufi poet Tajal Bewas died at the age of 70 years at a private hospital here on Saturday. He left one widow, 4 sons and 7 daughters.

He suffered a fatal stroke and was in coma for the last one week.

Taj Muhammad Samo was born in 1938 in Sobdehero district Khairpur Mirs. He got early education from his native place and done matriculation from Gambat High School and done MA in Economics as external candidate from Sindh University.

After complementing his education joined the profession of teaching and taught English in his native town.

[Picture from Sindhiana Magazine. Click to a poem of Tajal Bewas].

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