Monday, June 15, 2009

For Improving Relations

TMB, " In Egypt, Leaders Of Sufi Orders Organizing Conference for Response To Obama Speech " - The Memri Blog - Washington, DC, USA
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sheikhs who head Sufi orders in Egypt are preparing a conference, set for June 13, on "The Muslims' Message to America," which will include a speech responding to U.S. President Barack Obama's June 4 speech in Cairo.

The invitees include senior clerics, and Al-Azhar Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, Egyptian Minister of Religious Endowments Hamdi Zaqazouq, Egyptian Mufti Ali Gum'ah, and Al-Azhar University president Dr. Ahmad Al-Taeb have already confirmed that they will be attending.

The sheikh of the Al-'Azmiya order said that Obama's speech had provoked a storm, but that there has of yet been no practical response to it.

He said that during the conference, a Muslim agenda would be presented, along with a program for improving relations between the Muslims and the U.S.

Muslim Brotherhood representatives were not invited to the conference.

Source: Al-Masri Al-Yawm, Egypt, June 10, 2009

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