Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Caravan Of Hope

Les tombeaux des Saints (Maqâm) en terre d‘Islam
Dômes des Lumières et Sources de Vie

The tombs of the Saints (Maqam) in the Land of Islam
Domes of Lights and Sources of Life

Exposition à l’Université Kharouba de Mostaganem, Algérie
Ecriture, architecture et photographies
Du 25 au 31 juillet 2009

Exhibition at the Kharouba University of Mostaganem, Algeria
Writing, Architecture and Photography
From July 25th to July 31st 2009

"Fate guides our steps towards the Invisible and God's Mercy enlightens the hearts of his sincere servants."
Shaykh Khaled Bentounès

This exhibition witnesses the sacred places in Islam. It is presented for the first time at the Centennial of the Tariqa Alâwiyya-Darqâwiyya-Shâdhiliyya in Mostaganem, Algeria.

The purpose is to convey a universal teaching as part of the heritage of humanity and to honor the regal spirituality of the Sufi masters. It is expected to become a subsequent traveling exhibition.

It offers a selection of one hundred images. Visitors will discover the graves in the land of Islam from Morocco to India through Algeria, Turkey, Syria, Egypt and Pakistan.

Texts: Laila Khalifa, Historian
Plans: Souad Bédrane, Architect
Photos: Catherine Najma Touaibi

From the Centennial Website:
Mostaghanem, the birthplace of Sheikh al-Alawee and his eponymous Sufi path, will host an international conference involving reflection, activities, and festivities.

The conference will be held from the 25 to the 31 of July, 2009.

For seven days, seven great questions will be presented, debated, and answered by political personalities, religious leaders, thinkers, specialists, and field workers from all over the world.

In view of the major challenges and global emergencies facing the world today, the Alaweya Sufi path (Tareqa Alaweya, in Arabic) will conduct an in-depth reflection, through conferences and workshops that will lead to concrete projects and sustainable actions.

Nourished by memory and history, this centennial is oriented toward long-lasting endeavor. The Alaweya Sufi path is based on spiritual and universal values, which call for peace and brotherhood.

For the entire past century, it has drawn from previous Sufi teachings to carry out concrete actions. With thousands of members, Tareqa Alaweya’s charisma and experience give it relevance and an undeniable impact in the world.

During the year of 2009, a caravan of hope and many cultural, artistic, and spiritual activities will be organized throughout the Maghreb and Europe as a precursor to the centennial.

[To visit the Centennial website (also in French and Arabic), click on the title of this article.]

Picture: Algeria, Sidi Belkacem, near Khemis-Miliana. Photo: copyright by Catherine Najma Touaibi

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