Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Finding Our Balance, Deepening Remembrance, Seeking Truth: A Workshop In Spirituality

A Gathering of Remembrance and Celebration

Within an atmosphere of remembrance (dhikrallah) and mindfulness (taqwa) we will explore the possibilities of finding spiritual balance in our lives through traditional wisdom and spiritual practice.

Co-sponsored by The Baraka Initiative, The Threshold Society, The Book Foundation

When: Friday, October 30 - Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rancho Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano
Enrollment limited to 99
Youth Scholarships Available (30 and younger)

Conference and 5 meals: $270 (before Oct. 1)
Room for 2 nights: $120 (double occupancy)
$160 (single occupancy if available)

To register, go to the Registration web page

To find out more information about the guest teachers, see Guest Teacher Biographies

For the actual events, see Tentative schedule

See also, the website of the workshop A Gathering of Remembrance and Celebration

and the website of the sponsoring institute, The Baraka Institute

In a world increasingly characterized by extreme individualism, social fragmentation, and marginalization of traditional values, where can we turn for spiritual inspiration and community?

How might we connect ourselves to The Living Tradition that originated with the Prophet Muhammad (peace & blessings upon him) and the revelation of the Qur’an, and that continued through generations of transformed people like Imam Jafar Sadiq, Bayazid Bistami, Rabia, Abdul Qadir Geylani, Ahmed Rifai, Ibn Arabi, Jalaluddin Rumi, Bahauddin Naqshband, and countless others up through modern times?

The Baraka Institute is being created to nurture a community committed to spiritual transformation,
 and to sponsor events that offer practical knowledge and wisdom for the times we live in.

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