Saturday, October 10, 2009

Celebrating Their Shaykh

[From the French language press]:

Fès: Plus de 850 Tijanes se réunissent depuis mercredi dans la cité impériale marocaine de Fès à l’occasion du bicentennaire du fondateur de leur très influente confrérie, Cheick Ahmed Tijani.

Par YB/od/APA, *Maroc-Religion-Confréries* - Agence de Presse Africaine - Dakar, Sénégal
Vendredi 9 octobre 2009

More than 850 Tijani meet since Wednesday in the imperial city of Fez in Morocco celebrating the bicentennial of the founder of their most influential Brotherhood, Shaykh Ahmed Tijani (d. 1815 AD / 1230 AH).

An international conference, which will last until Friday, is organized on this occasion.

Among the highlights of the meeting in Fez, the decision of King Mohammed VI to restore the Shaykh's shrine for a budget of 6 million dirhams, or about $ 800,000.

The work of the "Dar Meraya" home of Shaykh Ahmed Tijani, will be completed in October 2011.

[Picture: Fez]

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