Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dialogo Cristiano-Islamico

[From the Italian language press]:

A 10 giorni dalla celebrazione dell’Ottava giornata ecumenica del dialogo cristiano-islamico, si moltiplicano le adesioni e le segnalazioni di iniziative che si svolgeranno il 27 ottobre prossimo.

Di Paolo Teruzzi, *VIII giornata ecumenica del dialogo cristiano-islamico* - Formazione Cultura In Rete - Monza, Italia
Venerdì 16 ottobre 2009

Ten days before the celebration of the Eighth Ecumenical Day of the Christian-Islamic Dialogue, accessions and reports of initiatives are multiplying. They will take place on Tuesday, October 27, in Rome and Milan.

More than one hundred Associations accepted the call from the Organizer, the magazine Il Dialogo*.

In Milan, the Italian branch of the Halveti-Jerrahi Sufi Brotherhood has announced four Islamic-Christian conferences on Ecumenism, and a concert held by the Tar Dhikirbashé, Maestro Fakhradin Gafarov. Master Gafarov is the former director of the State Conservatory of Baku (Azerbaijan).

The theme of the Ecumenical Day, which is "The Joy Of Narrating Each Other's Life" was warmly welcomed.

Read the call to the Eight Ecumenical Day Of The Christian-Islamic Dialogue (in Italian)

Visit the Halveti-Jerrahi Sufi Brotherhood

[Picture: Professor Gabriele Mandel, Khalifa of the Halveti-Jerrahi Italian Branch]

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