Wednesday, October 07, 2009

The Revolution Of Love

RK News, *Renzu for making Valley hub of literature* - Rising Kashmir - Jammu & Kashmir, India
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Stressing on the importance of heritage and values propagated by Sufi saints, Director Information [of Kashmir Sufism Society]*, Khawaja Farooq Renzu on Saturday said that time has come to revive the revolution of love and brotherhood brought by them, and to make the valley centre of literature and scholarly thoughts.

He was addressing a literary conference held at Degree College, Sopore which was attended besides others by intellectuals, academicians, scholars and writers. Renzu was the chief guest of the function while noted broadcaster Abdaal Mahjoor was guest of honour.

In his welcome speech, principal of the college, Peerzada Muhammad Ashraf said that it is honour for the Degree College that on this particular day when cream of the society particularly writers, professors, scholars and intellectuals assembled under one roof. He said that the arrival of the Director of Information is more significant because he is well known for highlighting life and works of Sufi saints.

Accordingly, he was chosen by for “KHALIAT-I-RAHIM” in the memory of revered Sufi saint. On the occasion, books- “Nida-i-Ishq” written by Rahim Sahib Shahnaz and “The wind without rain” written by Rashid Afaaq were released.

Bashir Chirag and Prof Mohi-u-din presented papers on first and second book respectively.

Mahjoor, chairman of Mahjoor Foundation also highlighted the contribution of Sufi saints and intellectuals of Kashmir in the world of literature. He also praised Department of Information for introducing film Mahjoor in international film festival held in Srinagar in recent past.

*[Click here to know more about Kashmir Sufism Society ]

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