Thursday, November 12, 2009


By Shafee Ahmed Ko, *Chennai Muslim group promoting moderate thought in Islam through weekly assembly* - - Jupiter, FL, USA
Friday, November 6, 2009

Chennai: Amidst hardline talks all around there is a Muslim group in Chennai that is trying to promote moderate thought in Islam through holding weekly programs.

"The Forum for the Promotion of Moderate Thought in Islam" held its weekly meeting yesterday evening at the premises of Academy of Islamic Research, Teynampet, Chennai.

Secretary General of the Forum Mr. A.Faizur Rahman expressed the view that Muslims ought to be educated to live harmoniously in pluralistic societies such as India, particularly where they are in a minority. He said that the Muslims must assert their identity in terms of true character and contribution of value based service to the society in tune with Islam rather being obsessed with external identity markers like the beard or the "burqa" (veil).

Quoting a verse from Sura Hujarath (49-13): "O mankind! We created you from a single pair of male and female, And made you into Nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (Not ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you, In the sight of Allah, Is (he who is) the most Righteous of you, and Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted," Mr. Faizur Rahman said that even in the eyes of Allah it is "taqwa" ("God-consciousness") which enjoys importance rather than any outward religious symbol.

The meeting presided over by President of the Forum Prof. Zackria Badsha also discussed the controversial subject of "Vande Mataram"* and, it was generally felt that no nation of the world deitifies its land through its national anthem and, as such Muslims in India must not be compelled to do so. The Forum felt that Muslims of India have always been loyal and patriotic citizens.

Mr. P. Oosman Basha explained that the Forum meets every Thursday evening and disseminates the moderate teachings of Islam to counter the extremism which is spreading fast in the Muslim society thanks to rampant sectarianism.

The Forum was attended largely by the educated Muslims of the metropolis and is fast turning into a strong voice of moderation in the Muslim society.

*[Vande Mataram is the National Song (Not the National Anthem, which is Jana Gana Mana) of India. Click here to the lyrics in Hindi/translated into English by Sri Aurobindo. Click here to a Wiki article.]

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