Saturday, December 19, 2009

Prominent Shaykh arrested

By Abdalle Ahmed, *Somalia: Al Shabab Group of Somalia Arrests Prominent Sheikh* - RBC Radio/Raxanreeb Online - Mogadishu, Somalia
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Local residents in southern Somalia have confirmed that Al Shabab group arrested a prominent religious man in Basra district near Bal’ad, 75 km from south Mogadishu, RBC Radio reports.

Sheikh Abdul Rahim Sheikh Hassan, 102, and his wife had been taken to the custody by Al Shabab militia yesterday evening, relatives of the Sheikh told RBC Radio.
Sheikh Abdul Rahim and his wife had been taken to unknown location where the Al Shabab’s militia are holding for questioning local sources said.

The group has launched an attack on the city of Basra in the Middle Shabelle province, which was held the annual event for the visit of Sheikh Hassan Mo’alim as one of a pole from the Sufi imams in Somalia.

Sheikh Abdel Rahman Abu Yusuf Al Qadi, spokesman for Al Shabab had confirmed what he said is an operation agains illegal meeting held in the area, but declined to comment on the arrest of Sheikh Abdul Rahim.

This attack comes after the Somali government declared on Saturday that it had agreed with Ahlu Sunna, a moderate group in Somalia to cooperate with the prevention against armed opposition led by Al Shabab.

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