Sunday, May 23, 2010

Positive Roles

By Staff Reporter, *Oxford hosts Sheikh Zayed Book Award annual lecture* - Middle East Online - London, UK
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Award-winning authors Ammar Ali Hasan and Qais Sedki give talks at Oxford University

Oxford, England: The Middle East Centre at Oxford University hosted Wednesday two lectures organized jointly with the UAE's Sheikh Zayed Book Award, presented by Egyptian Dr. Ammar Ali Hassan and Emirati Qais Sedki.

Hassan had won the Award's "Best Contribution to the Development of Nations" 2010 prize for his book "The Political Establishment of Sufism in Egypt", while Sedki was awarded the top prize for "Children's Literature" for his manga (graphic novel) "Gold Ring".

The event was moderated by Dr. Eugene Rogan, Director of the Middle East Centre, who underscored the important role played by the Award through the last four sessions and hailed the additions given by the prize-winning books to various fields of knowledge.

Hassan's talk focused on how the research of his book was compiled and the various ways it was met following publication. The Award had praised the book as "a remarkable addition" to Muslim Sufism studies.

The author shed light on some of the positive roles played by Sufism in Egyptian civil society since the second century of the Islamic calendar and up to today.

Meanwhile, Emirati author Sedki described the process of writing and publishing his original children's book, whose Arabic text was illustrated with Japanese drawings.

Sedki also discussed possible ways of prompting children's books in the Middle East, a task he stressed relies on many factors that are beyond the control of good authors.

But Sedki also stressed the need for authors and publisher to make books more entertaining for children and easier to read.

The event is the second lecture of such cooperation between the Award and Oxford University.
Rashed Saleh Al-Oraimi, General Secretary of the Award, praised the welcome and support received at Oxford University.

The event was attended by Mohhamed Al Attaiba, the Charge D'Affaires at the UAE Embassy to London, and other figures, publishers and members of the press.

The Award had previously organised similar events in Cairo, Kuwait, Beirut, New York, Los Angeles, Frankfurt amongst other cities.

Picture: (L-R): Eugene Rogan, Qais Sedki and Ammar Ali Hassan. Photo: MEO

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