Thursday, July 08, 2010


By TCN News, *Indian Sufi Sunnis condemn Lahore blasts, ‘Talibani Jehad’* - Two Circles Net - Cambridge, MA, USA
Saturday, July 3, 2010

New Delhi: Indian Muslims and scholars have condemned the ghastly attack on innocent Sufi followers which killed around 50 people and injured about 200 at the shrine of Sufi saint Hazrat Syed Ali bin Usman Hajweri, popularly known as Data Ganj Bakhsh, in Lahore on July 2.

Muhammad Saeed Noori of Raza Academy Mumbai, a representative body of Majority Sufi Sunnis said, “The Puritanical and Extremist approach of these terrorists and bunch of dacoits has caused a great divide among the Muslim Community. Today if Pakistan is unstable it is only due to these extremist Talibanis who are helping the Imperialist forces to get stable in the region.”

[Picture: Data Durbar, Data Ganj Bakhsh Shrine, Lahore. Photo: Wiki]

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