Saturday, October 16, 2010

Healthy Educational Atmosphere

By RK Staff Reporter, *Sheikh-ul-Alam Uni receives appreciation* - Rising Kashmir - Srinagar, India
Sunday, October 10, 2010

University a big step towards research on Sufism

The passing of the Sheikh-ul-Alam Research and Technical University Bill by the Assembly has received all round appreciation from people and scholars.

Ahal-i-Hanfia and Ahal-i- Aitiqaad have welcomed the move and described it a big step towards a better research over Sufi saints and scholars.

“The passing of bill in Assembly along with Ahal-i- Ahadees Technical University, shows government is conscious of promoting all schools of thoughts,” Ahal-i-Hanfia and Ahal-i- Aitiqaad said in a statement issue here on Sunday.

The people, educationists, Islamic scholars, ulemas, students and research scholars have appreciated the move and have said that this will create healthy educational atmosphere in the State.

Many educational outfits have congratulated Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, and his cabinet for the approval.

“The establishment of these universities by reputed Non-Government Organisations (NGO) shall strengthen the belief that government’s educational policy is free and fair” statement said.

“The ulemas, scholars, intellectuals and writers are of the view that the present government is really determined to encourage all the schools of thoughts in a proper manner so that they are able to impart the real education which has once upon a time given glory to the Valley of Kashmir throughout the World” statement said.

The renowned Islamic scholar of the Valley Jenab Maulana Hami has conveyed his personal appreciation to Chief Minister and his cabinet colleagues particularly to Minister for Higher Education, Abdul Gani Malik, Speaker, Mohammad Akbar Lone, Deputy Chairman, Legislative Council, S Arvinder Singh Micky, MLA, Choudhary Mohammad Ramzan, Secretaries, Higher Education and Law who have taken personal interest in promoting the concept of Sheikh-ul-Alam teachings and helping in passage of the bill.

[Picture: Dargah Dastageer Sahab, one of the oldest Mosques in Kashmir. Photo: Wiki.]

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