Wednesday, December 08, 2010

On A Comic Journey

By Staff Reporter, *Mullah Nasruddin in Marrakech* - Manchester Evening News - Manchester, UK; Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A humorous folklore character teleported from the Middle Ages into the hustle and bustle of modern-day Marrakech is quickly becoming a loveable literary star.

Mullah Nasruddin has been brought to comic life by author and poet Mansoor Shah, who has created a spirited and at times sarcastic religious character who delivers his own very unique and funny pronouncements on everyday life.

People tell his stories and antics with great affection and endearment across Asia including Arabs, Persians, Uzbeks, and the Turkic Xinjiang in China. Some of his stories are linked with Sufi traditions and philosophical approaches – and they almost always come with a sting in the tail.

Mansoor’s book takes Mullah Nasruddin on a comic journey to meet the residents of Marrakech, listen to their problems and give them his own special brand of advice. Accompanied by pictures of the inhabitants and tourists of Marrakech, the book of mini adventures is a modern-day Don Quixote.

Mansoor, 57, of Radcliffe, Manchester, said:

"I have long been intrigued by the story of Mullah Nasruddin. Marrakech is steeped in the history and traditions of Sufism and it seemed to me the perfect place to drop this 12th century character and see how his wisdom and blunt advice is received by people in the 21st century!"

The book is already being well received, with Rochdale Library ordering 12 advance copies after Mansoor gave a reading there recently.

Mansoor, an academic and management consultant, is a published author with two books of Sufi poetry to his name. His last collection, A Sheesha in Radcliffe, garnered widespread publicity after the King of Morocco requested a copy. He has also published A Window in Radcliffe, another book of Sufi verse.

Mansoor is planning a series of Mullah Nasruddin publications taking our loveable character to cities such as London, Paris, Istanbul and Dubai.

Picture: Mansoor at the House of Lords presenting his latest book to Lord Sheikh, founder and chairman of the Conservative Muslim Forum. Photo: MEN.

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