Friday, December 24, 2010

Shahul Hamid

By PTI, *Singapore declares Muslim shrine as national heritage centre* - The Hindu - India; Saturday, October 18, 2010

Singapore: A 182-year-old replica of a dargah in India built by Tamil Muslims here, in memory of a revered 16th century Sufi saint, has been declared a national heritage centre.

The Nagore dargah, dedicated to Sufi saint Shahul Hamid, would be reopened in May next year after a two-year renovation costing about 5,00,000 Singapore dollars [380,355 U$], the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore announced on Thursday.

The shrine was built around 1828 by Chulia Tamil Muslims in Singapore's Central Business District. The original shrine is in Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu.

The replica would feature exhibits and artefacts of the Indian Muslim community.

The Indian Muslim community in the country reveres Shahul Hamid, considered a descendant of Prophet Muhammad, and who helped spread Islam in India.

The shrine is one of the 61 Singapore buildings protected for their historical value under the Preservation of Monuments Act.

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