Monday, February 21, 2011

90 Ways Of Sufism

By Pana, *Libya: Kadhafi says Israel will not be recognised until...* - Afrique en ligne - Africa; Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Israel-Libya: Libyan leader Mouammar Kadhafi has said there should be no recognition for Israel until the Palestinian issue is resolved.

Speaking on Sunday evening, during the commemoration of the birth of Prophet Mohamed, he said: 'We should not recognize the Zionist entity until the issue of the Palestinian people is resolved, that all Palestinian refugees return home and a single democratic state is created.'

The Libyan leader noted that the Arab world is currently experiencing a popular revolutionary movement, which must lead the Palestinians to march peacefully from the refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria, Libya and Jordan and others to Palestine.

He urged the Palestinians to camp on the borders of Palestine, even if the Israelis prevent them from entering.

He also called on Palestinians in the Diaspora to move by boats in the direction of their country and, in case they are prevented from entering, they should settle on the shores and thus create a situation of global crisis that the international community will be forced to address.

Heads of Muslim brotherhoods Sufi and Murid scholars and their devotees representing 90 ways of Sufism in 76 countries from different continents of the world, several kings, sultans, princes and traditional leaders in Africa attended the ceremony.

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