Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bolstering The Social Fabric

By Staff Reporter, *Al Bashir: Identity of Sudan Resolved* - Sudan Vision Daily - Khartoum, Sudan; Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sufi Sects Appreciates Bashir's Call for Broad-Based Government

Khartoum-Mona Al-Bashir:President Al Bashir has underlined that the identity of the Sudan has been settled and the Islam has become the official religion of the State, adding that the peoples of the Sudan are 98% Muslims.

“The new state in the North is the second republic and it is the Salvation in new phase,” aired the president.

Addressing the 'Support Gathering yesterday at Al Kabbashi area of Khartoum North, refuted the claim that the National Congress Party (NCP) was behind the breakaway of the South, noting that the Comprehensive Peace Agreement had allowed the people of the South the right of self-determination and simultaneously stressed the right of the North to enforce the Islamic Sharia.

“The issues of the South is political and has begun long before the Salvation regime," voiced Al Bashir, adding that the Salvation has sacrificed the best of her sons in the war, a thing which was not done by any other northern political power.

According to him, the Islamic Sharia has legitimized the presence of the NCP on the Sudanese political arena, referring to the overwhelming success of the party in the recent elections to re-assume power supported by 90% of the Sudanese peoples.

He assured the gathering that the Sudan economy would not be negatively impacted by south Sudan secession, as oil in the North is more than that in the South, besides, gold. “We have surplus of cement which we can export, we will also export sugar and promote agricultural produce,” Bashir said.

During the occasion the Sects handed over to the president a Document of Covenant signed by nine sect leaders. The document underscored that the Sufi sects, across the board in the Sudan, would work for bolstering the social fabric, backup the Islamic discourse and support the president, praising the Islamic achievements he accomplished.

The document added that the Sufi sects have a remarkable role in entrenching the principles and philosophy of Islam in the Sudan at large and Darfur in particular.

Sufi sects lauded the President's call for forming broad-based government in order to confront current challenges. Sufis movements called on all national political forces as well as NGOs to unify their stances, in order to achieve stability and peace all over Sudan and moreover to prevent hostile forces from shattering peace in the country. Sufi sects and leaders of Sufis have supported the tolerant religious attitudes allover the country.

Governor of Khartoum, Dr. Abdul Rahman El Khidir affirmed that Sects have played tangible role in spreading of Islam in Sudan, renewing his support to President Al Bashir.

Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowment Azhari al Tijani said that al Kabashi area is full of religious symbols, adding that the meeting gathering the highest leadership in the country with Sufi Sects, reflects national solidarity in coincidence with secession of south Sudan, affirming that the mother-state in the north will stay coherent and it will cooperate with the newly-born state in the south.

He added that the meeting sends message to the whole world that Sudanese people back their leadership strongly, adding that the leadership has come from within the grassroots of Sudanese people.

[Picture: Sudan, Gebel Barkal mountain, UNESCO Heritage Site. Photo: Wiki]

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