Thursday, February 24, 2011

People At Different Levels

By Zuleikha Abdul Raziq, *Celebration of the Birth of the Prophet reflects Omdurman's Charity* - Sudan Vision Daily - Khartoum, Sudan; Wednesday, February 16, 2011

These days people in different parts of the world are celebrating memorial of the birth of the prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him) in the 12th of Rabiee al Awal Hijri as normal as every year.

Sudan is accustomed to celebrating the festival and it's known that Sudanese people are famous for their love to the prophet (Peace be upon him).

The festival usually starts at the first day of Rabiee al Awal in form of carnivals called Al Molid al Nabaway al Shareef. The festival begins with hype in which Sudaneses people at different levels participate including Sheikhs of Sufi sects, religious scholars, students' unions, workers' associations and police force.

The hype always marches from particular point till it reaches square celebrations.

The celebrations often begins as small session for reciting Koran in addition to religious prophetic praises in addition to symposiums and seminars about the life of Mohammad (Peace be upon him). Different states of Sudan celebrate in the same way.

The celebration square is always surrounded by stalls selling special types of sweet prepared for the occasion. There are many people who have become famous for making sweet. Al Tayeb Sayed Mekki and al Maghrabi are two of the most famous sweet traders and makers in Omdurman.

The most types of sweet made for the occasion are Juzia, Humosia and Alaf which made of sesame and sugar in addition to Lacom sweet (candy). Sweet for children is made in form of tiny statue decorated with colored cellophane paper. It is called Arrossa (bride). Some times it is made in the form of horse or knight.

Sufi sects installed marquees in the middle of square celebration. The marquees are always decorated with flowers. Chants in praise of the prophet (Peace be upon Him) are sung in these marquees. A great drum called Noba always is hit accompanied by praising songs.

The celebration has special flavor in Omdurman particularly in residential areas of Wad Nobaway, Hai al Omda, Hai al Sayed Mekki, Wad Aro, al Rikabiya and al Shuhada. People living these areas participate in the celebration via serving visitors with juice and sweet.

Children, men, women, young people and old people all participate in serving visitors as they believe that such participation is source of bless. They inherited this tradition from their forefathers and they are keen on preserving it.

[Picture: Main Mosque in Omdurman, 1936. Photo: Wiki.]

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