Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saadi's Mysticism

By IBNA Staff Writer, *Mystery of Saadi's grandeur in Islamic mysticism* - Iran Book News Agency - Tehran, Iran; Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ali Mohammad Saberi said: "In this session, Saadi\'s stance, his main ideas and the mystery of his grandeur from mysticism and Islamic perspective will be surveyed."
The lecturers of this session are Seyyed Hassan Shahrestani, professor at Honar University, and Mahdi Kiayi, Mowlana researcher.

Saberi asserted that these sessions by no means deal with Saadi from literary point of view. He added: "Many critics have studied Saadi from literary perspectives yet in this session we are not going to talk about his poetic diction or lyrical poetry."

He continued: "Also we are not going to have a psychological approach to Saadi, although he is the peak of Persian Qazal. Our purpose, however, is to deal with his mysticism and the horizon of Saadi\'s ideologies in Islamic Sufism."

He emphasized: "Yet we should bear in mind that Saadi has learnt literature from Sheikh Sohrevardi who has been a renowned mystic of the time. Therefore his literature is originated from mysticism."

He also referred to the analysis of Golistan and Boustan of Saadi during these sessions and added: "Saadi\'s Golistan is a book of ethics and mysticism. This session will, to some extent, deal with moral aspects of his poetry and some particular tales."

The session \'Mystery of Saadi\'s grandeur in Islamic mysticism\' will be held at the House of Literati on Wednesday 9 February from 16:30 to 18:30 with the presence of experts and enthusiasts.

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