Sunday, March 20, 2011

The War-torn Country

By AFP Staff Reporter, *Somali leader says forces defeating Islamist rebels* - Agence France-Presse - Paris, France; Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mogadishu: Somali President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed said Thursday pro-government forces were defeating Islamist rebels, vowing that the military drive against the insurgents will go on until they are eliminated.

"The Somali forces and peacekeepers in Mogadishu are now winning the war to curb the threats of Al-Qaeda elements and their backers in Somalia," said Sharif when he visited military bases in the capital Mogadishu.

"This is a tremendous victory for which we should be proud."

In the largest coordinated offensive in years, government forces backed by African Union troops launched heavy battles in Mogadishu last month and seized control of key positions that were held by the Shebab insurgents.

Battles in the south of the country by pro-government militia also saw the rebels ousted from key towns.

"The military offensive will not stop until we eliminate the terrorist elements from our country," Sharif said.

However, in central Somalia regions, residents said Thursday the insurgents were re-arming as clashes broke out between the Shebab and the pro-government Sufi militia Ahlu Sunna wal Jamaa.

"We have attacked the biggest base of the enemy. We inflicted heavy losses on them and the fighting is still going on," said Sheikh Daud Moalim Abdulahi, an official of the Sufi militia.

The African Union in January criticised Sharif's government, whose mandate comes to an end in August, for doing little to restore stability in the war-torn country.

In the last three years, the Shebab have seized control of much of southern and central Somalia and pushed the government to a small area of the capital where it is protected by the AU forces.

Picture: Somali President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed (L) talks during a press conference. Photo: AFP

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