Wednesday, April 06, 2011


By Shabelle Media Network, *Ahlu Sunna Demands International Help Its Fight Against Al Shabaab* - All Africa - Port Louis, Mauritius; Tuesday, March 30, 2011

Dhusamareb: The administration of Somalia's moderate Ahlu Sunna Waljama ASWJ has asked international community to help its fight against Al Shabaab fighters in Somalia.

Speaking at a meeting by the Sufi group in Dhusamareb town, the general chairman of Ahlu Sunna, Moallim Mohamoud Sheikh Hassan, said the international community is needed not to interfere in Somalia affairs.

He condemned people saying that there is no peace the regions and areas under Ahlu Sunna Waljama ASWJ control.

He reiterated how it is important for the international community to help Ahlu Sunna in its battle against what he called criminal terrorists who invade war-ridden Somalia.

[Picture: Somalia, orthographic projection. Photo: Wiki.]

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