Monday, April 04, 2011

No Respect

By Osama El-Mahdy, *Sufis call on followers to unite against Salafi movement* - Al Masri Al-Youm, - Cairo, Egypt; Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Leaders and followers of the Sufi orders have threatened to launch a Sufi war on those responsible for the demolition of shrines belonging to the family of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), describing themselves as soldiers of God charged with defending these shrines and tombs.

Some followers of Sufism have recently accused Salafi Muslims of attacking and destroying shrines belonging to Sufi clerics in various parts of Egypt, including Alexandria, Beheira and Monufiya.

During a protest organized by the Supreme Council for Sufi Orders in the Hussein Mosque Square on Tuesday evening, the Sufi followers called on the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to denounce the demolition of the shrines. They also threatened to prevent Salafis from entering the shrines belonging to the family of Prophet Mohamed.

The Sufi’s also called on all Sufi disciples to unite in order to put a stop to what they described as “Salafi thuggery” at the shrines, as well as the formation of Sufi committees around all shrines to protect them. During the protest, a number of signs were raised such as “No to the demolition of shrines” and “We call on the Egyptian government and the SCAF to protect the holy places and the Islamic identity of Egypt."

Meanwhile, a number of Sufi disciples attempted to lead a protest outside the Square. However, the were stopped by leaders of the Rifai Sufi Order, who instructed them not to leave the Square in order to prevent the disruption of traffic on Azhar Street.

The protest was joined by a number of leaders of the Shia community in Egypt, headed by Shia leader of Egypt Mohamed al-Derini, as well as by heads of the Syndicate of al-Ashraf.

Al-Derini said he had come to join the Sufi order in their million man march against the ongoing assault from Salafi Wahhabism, which he said shows no respect for other beliefs or religions.

Translated from the Arabic Edition

Photo: Reuters.

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