Wednesday, May 11, 2011

At War

By Shabelle Media Network; *Ahlu Sunna Threatens to Attack Al Shabaab* - All - Washington, D.C., USA; Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mogadishu — Somalia's moderate Sufi group Ahlu Sunna Waljama ASWJ on Tuesday threatened it will launch attacks against its political antagonist Al Shabaab.

Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al Qadi, the spokesman of Ahlu Sunna fighters in Gedo region in southern Somalia said in an interview with Shabelle Media Network that they are at war on Al Shabaab movement in southern regions of war-torn Somalia.

He said that they will attack Garbaharey, Bardhere in Gedo and Yurkud village in Bay region in southern Somalia.

The spokesman also noted that their primary aim is to liberate the civilian people in Al Shabaab grip as soon as possible.

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