Sunday, July 10, 2011

Oosh Te Khoon

By Staff Reporter, *Conference on contribution of Aulia-a-Kiraams of Kashmir held at KU* - Kashmir Dispatch - Srinagar, India; Saturday, July 2, 2011

A galaxy of world famous scholars, Ambassadors, Ulemas, Muftis, Mirwaizes of south and north Kashmir, Sajad-i-Nasheen of various sacred Darghas and Shrines and large number of youth today assembled at International Convocation Hall of Kashmir University where contribution of Aulia-a-Kiraams of Kashmir was highlighted.

The Ambassador of Tajkistan Syed Baig who is the direct descendent of family of Hazrat Shah-i-Hamdan from Khatlan also delivered a research oriented address on the arrival of Hazrat Bulbul Shah and Hazrat Shah-i-Hamdan in 14th century.

The main organizer of the prestigious function Director Information and Chairman Bulbul Shah Trust Kh. Farooq Renzushah was appreciated by the participants of the conference.

The Mufti Azam Mufti Basheer-ud-Din Farooqi presided over the conference, while the Vice- Chancellor of Kashmir University Prof. Talat Ahmed, Vice-Chancellor Islamic University Awantipora Prof. A.R.Trag, Vice-Chancellor Central University Prof. Abdul Wahid, Chairman Minhaj-ul-Islam, Moulana Gh. Mohi-ud-Din Naqib, General Secretary Anjumani-Ahanaf Peerzada Moulana Akhzar Hussain, Mirwaiz North Kashmir, Peerzada Moulana Syed Lateef, Sajad-i-Nasheen Hazrat Mukhdoom Sahib, Peerzada Shahid Jeelani Makhdoomi, the representative of Mirwaiz South Kashmir late Qazi Amanullah, Molvi Umar Farooq Amjadi, Directors of various departments, Ulemas of various Khankhas and Shrines spoke on the occasion.

At the start of the function, the book written by Kh. Renzushah “OOSH TE KHOON” (Blood and Tears) and its Sufi CD was also released on the occasion. Two books on Sufism and Rishiyat written by Prof. Hamid Naseem Rafiabadi were also released on the occasion.

The prestigious programme was conducted by famous speaker Moulana Sajad Ishberi and famous broadcaster Ashfaq Gowhar.

While speaking on the occasion, Mufti Azam Basheer-ud-Din Farooqi emphasized the need to generate realistic awareness among new generation for showing traditional respect to great Sufis, Saints and Auilia Kiraamas.

Moulana Naqib highlighted the contributions of Hazrat Bulbul Shah and Hazrat Amir Kabir (RA) and their role in creating the real Sufi culture in Kashmir which is based on mutual love and brotherhood.

Peerzada Shahid Jeelani Makhdoomi said that Hazrat Makhdoom Sahib (RA) who belong to Raina dynasty and his fore fathers were first to adopt the Islam along with King of Kashmir Sultan Sadar-ud-Din at the hands of Hazrat Bulbul Shah (RA).

Vice-Chancellor Kashmir University Prof. Talat Ahmed said that immediately after arriving to Srinagar he visited all sacred Darghas and Shrines and said that the people have strong and un-dewindling faith in such spiritual places.

The Ambassador of Tazkistan while reciting various couplets written in Persian language on Kashmir by him, underscored the need for revival of Kashmir- Tazkistan and Turkistan and other Central Asain cultural links so that the present generation is able to discover their past glory. He also said that he is expecting the flights very soon from Tajkistan and will be able to come here directly so that the people travel between the two places within shortest time.

Moulana Akhzar in his research paper dwelt in detail on the impact of moral teaching of great Sufi Sanits on people of the valley.

Vice Chancellor Islamic University Prof. A.R.Trag said Kashmir is the epitome of Sufi Culture and it has its own effect on people behavior as majority of the people are embodiment of love.

Moulana Qazi Umar Farooq Amjadi spoke on behalf of late Qazi Amanullah of Anantnag who recently passed away.

Fateh was also offered to late Qazi on the occasion.

Moulana Sajad Ishberi while reciting Hazrat Mirak Shah and Khawja Hazrat Habibullah Nowsheri’s Naat Sharif created real spiritual atmosphere in the jam packed hall.

J&K Bank, Tourism department, ICCR and other organizations which have helped for making the programme successful were appreciated on the occasion.

The function was organized by Kashmir Society.

[Visit Kashmir University.]

[Picture: Lilly Pads on Dal Lake, Srinagar. Photo: Wiki.]

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