Friday, August 12, 2011

Calls Rejected

By Staff Reporter, *Sufis and Salafis refuse call for Friday of solidarity with Arab uprisings* - Al-Masri Al-Youm - Cairo, Egypt; Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sufi and Salafi movements announced Thursday their refusal to attend the protest planned for Friday next week to show solidarity with other Arabs protesting against oppressive regimes.

The Muslim Brotherhood has called on its supporters in Egypt and other countries to show solidarity with Arabs demonstrating across the region, the Middle East News Agency reported Thursday.

Jama’a al-Islamiya, though, announced that it will take part in the protest, noting that its participation will not be as strong as in last Friday’s protest.

The Salafi Nour Party spokesperson Mohamed Yousry said the party will not participate in the protest, and will instead hold a conference to discuss means to help other Arab revolutionaries.

Khaled Saeed, spokesperson for the Salafi Front, also said that the party will not take part in the protest.

The party will not take part in any protests until the end of Ramadan in order to help restore stability to the country, said Adel Afify, chairman of Asala Salafi Party. He added that support for Arab revolutions should be through providing aid, rather than staging protests.

Sheikh Mohamed Aboul Azayem, the founder of Al-Tahrir Al-Masry Sufi Party, also rejected calls for next Friday's protest. He accused the Muslim Brotherhood of attempting to play a bigger role than it actually could, by calling on Arabs in other countries to take to the streets.

Jama'a al-Islamiya spokesperson Asem Abdel Maged said his group will participate in the protest because Arab affairs are one of the group's top priorities.

We are deeply concerned with the massacres in Syria, Libya and Yemen, he emphasized.

Translated from the Arabic Edition

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