Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Love All, Malice None

By DA Staff Writer, *Divine Abode further collaborates with Kashmir Society, International center for Kashmir Sufism* - Your Story, The Free Press Release Resource - London, UK; Friday, September 2, 2011

Divine Abode is pleased to announce its further collaboration with Kashmir Society, International center for Kashmir Sufism along with the existing Interfaith Foundation, India.

Dr. Farook Renzu Shah, the chairman of Kashmir Society, says: "It is a honour to be a part of this great progress. We are indeed very happy to collaborate with Divine Abode. The festival will be a grand platform for bringing together all the community around the globe conveying the message of the true Sufi spirit of peace, harmony and oneness".

The first edition of the International Sufi Festival India 2011, will be held in Ajmer on the 21-27th Oct with the mission and aim of spreading the message of "Love All, Malice None".

The chairperson of Divine Abode, Ms. Gulshaa Begum, says: "The festival is free for all. This festival does not belong to any organisation or any individual, the festival belongs to all the people who are a part of this grand mission".

"You can avail the passes by sending us a email at

We would request each one interested to attend the festival to kindly make an effort to be a part of the festival and support us in making the event a great success.

[Visit the Festival's Blog]


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

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  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

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