Thursday, September 22, 2011

'Naqshbandi Greenacre Engagement'

VIDEO installation examining Islamic faith and prayer has won this year's Blake Prize for religious art.

By AAP, *Islamic faith video wins 60th Blake Prize* - - Australia; Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Video installation examining Islamic faith and prayer has won this year's Blake Prize for religious art.

Western Sydney artist Khaled Sabsabi won with a three-channel installation titled Naqshbandi Greenacre Engagement, which engages the viewer in an Islamic Sufi ritual.

"The audience is almost invited to be, if not part of it, then in the space of it," judge and executive director of the Artspace Visual Arts Centre, Dr Blair French said.

Mr Sabsabi was not present at the announcement as he is in Beirut as part of the 2010 Helen Lempriere Travelling Art Scholarship.

The event was first founded in 1951 to revitalise religious art in Christian churches.

[Picture: Installation view of Khaled Sabsabi. Photo: Artspace Visual Arts Centre.]

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